Logo Design

Examples of logo designs that I have made for local businesses. Showcasing the logo design process for each logo by showing the idea and concept, to the final mockup.

Booze Bakes and Bouquets web setup.jpg

A bakery specializing in custom liquor bouquets and themed surprise burst cakes.

This logo was a tricky one since this client offers so much in baking creativity! I wanted to try and showcase the client’s work in an all encompassing image that focused on her cakes and alcohol theming to her company, while still having a touch of playful elegance.

Lets Talk 4 Health web setup.jpg

Licensed psychotherapist and life coach. Certified specialist in the branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness and behavioral problems.

My client wanted a logo that would be a little different than most standard images of mental health. Thinking of mostly the word health in mind, I started to think of the words “thinking”, “growth”, “flowers”, and “plants”, and the client really wanted to use the color green to stand out. Compiling all of these ideas together to create a logo is that is representative of talking things out helps create ideas that also promote growth of a healthy mind.